In honor of the amazing after BREAST CANCER Ambassadors, we decided to ask some important questions so that we can share their experiences to help others. Ambassador Natalie Wilson.
Q: Leading a hectic life sometimes makes us forget to take care of our health. When you first felt your lump, what actions were taken at that time or did you wait it out?
A: A lot of women can relate to being a busy mom and business woman. Life was all about my kids and making sure their needs were met first. So when I discovered my first lump when my 3rd child was only five months old, I knew that if it was breast cancer I couldn’t take care of their needs if I didn’t take care of mine too. I didn’t hesitate to go to the doctor and within days I had an ultrasound and mammogram booked. I needed to be here to take care of my kids and achieve so much more in life.
Q: We all are guilty of putting work and everyone/everything else ahead of our health; thinking we can make it on the mere basics. What has been the biggest take away from this life altering experience?
A: I am an A type personality and everything has to be done a certain way and be done, like yesterday. I used to get up out of bed feet running full steam ahead, and crash at the end of the day. Although I was tired, I felt good and very accomplished. Eighteen surgeries and 3 breast cancer diagnosis later, my biggest take way is that I’ve realized I can still be partly that person, but I had to learn how to spread out tasks thoughtful longer periods of time. My health had to come first. There’s always another day!