We have been so lucky to work with so many amazing volunteers to help make a difference! Here are a few people we wanted to say thank you to:
Cheryl & Investors Group for letting us use their boardroom for our meetings!
Susan Hay from Global TV for helping us make a difference. Stay tuned to see the interview!
Carrie Russell Bakker of With Love Lingerie who picked up 42 Bras for alteration.
G.F. Graphics Inc. for printing our Pink Diamond Fundraising Luncheon tickets at no cost.
Matison Media for managing our social media and web departments! ( https://twitter.com/matisonmedia )
Melissa ( www.melissafrew.com ) for all her hard work in designing and creating our logo and Pink Diamond Luncheon tickets!
Lastly, thank you to all of our volunteers!!
Thank you to everyone for all of their help and support! Together we are making a difference, one woman at a time!