Kissed by light - Project 1

We were approached by after BREAST CANCER, a non-profit organization established to contribute to women’s quality of life after their breast removal surgery to participate in a photography project. SHE – after BREAST CANCERwas a project that invited 12 photographers to photograph 12 breast cancer survivors. On a warm sunny day, a fantastic team of volunteers gathered together to create an unforgettable day for 12 ladies who’ve endured the hardships of cancer. Each model got professional make-up and hairstyling done and wore a gorgeous outfit handpicked for her by a personal stylist. Happy tears were shed and great photographs were taken that memorable day. The best 12 photographs from each photographer then made it to the annual calendar. We were very lucky to work with an amazing woman and a breast cancer survivor, beautiful Catherine McCormack as our muse for the project. Enjoy our selection!

Photography by Lora Vertue

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