Meet Natalie...
I am a 3 time breast cancer survivor! I realize that breast or no breast, hair or no hair, we breast cancer graduates are incredibly beautiful, feminine and inspirational.
My life’s mission is to help inspire women.
I am compelled to write and tell about an experience I was fortunate enough to have, and hope that countless others may be fortunate enough to experience what I have. The one downside, or upside if you can look at it with optimism in lieu of pessimism, is that you have to be a breast cancer survivor! And I, Natalie Therese Wilson am a 3 time breast cancer survivor.
One hectic Wednesday evening, in all the hustle and bustle of life with work and three children, I received a phone call from the lovely Ms. Alicia Vianga the founder of After Breast Cancer. She made my day by asking if I would be one of twelve, 2018 After Breast Cancer Ambassadors, and that she’d love for me to take part in the S|HE Thrives. Even more touching, Alicia said that I was selected in recognition of my phenomenal strength and perseverance. I was honored to say the least, and knew that my passion and purpose in life and with my business, High Heal Diaries, where my mission is to “Inspire Women, One Story at a Time” would be fulfilled through this role. Like I did the day my husband asked me to marry him….I said “YES!”
In order to reveal the new ABC Ambassadors, we were treated to a day of pampering, glitz and glam with our very own makeup artists, hair stylists, personal assistants, and even our own photographers. We were designed from head to toe by fashion industry greats such as Fashion Director & Personal Stylist, Dale Hodder from Shut Up and Dress Me, some of Toronto’s top stylists, designers, hair & make-up artists, and lead photographer, Nick Merzetti. The event was hosted by Christine Bentley at the gem of a venue, La Maquette, downtown Toronto.
Aside from the fact after the photo shoot and day of glam, I now want to take up a career as an elite fashion model (hahaha), Alicia and her team made me realize that breast or no breast, hair or no hair, we breast cancer graduates are incredibly beautiful, feminine and inspirational. Thank you Alicia for this experience and honor.