Shine a Light Gala

Date:  Friday, December 10, 2021

Time:  6:00 PM to 1:00 AM

The Guild Inn Estate

201 Guildwood Pkwy, Scarborough, ON M1E 1P5


 Sunshine - Presenting Sponsor $10,000

Name and logo on all event and promotional materials, event web-page and social media

Verbal recognition at the gala

Promotional video showing why you support after BREAST CANCER

E-blasts from after BREAST CANCER

Two full page colour ad in the event program

Logo placement on event on-site screen

Table signage with your logo

Reserved tables for 16 at the event with premium seating


Pink Light - Supporting Sponsor $7,000

Name and logo on event web-page and social media

Special thank you and recognition at the gala

Table signage with your logo

E-blasts from after BREAST CANCER

Full page colour ad in the event program

Logo placement on event on-site screen

Reserved table for 12 at the event with premium seating


Green Light - Contributing Sponsor $5,000

Name and logo on event web-page and social media

Special thank you and recognition at the gala

Table signage with your logo

E-blasts from after BREAST CANCER

1/2 page colour ad in the event program

Logo placement on event on-site screen

Reserved table for 8 at the event with premium seating


Blue Light - Contributing Sponsors $2,500

Logo on event web-page and social media

Table signage with your logo

E-blasts from after BREAST CANCER

Logo placement on event on-site screen

Reserved table for 8 at the event


Reserved Table 8 - $1,000.00

Cocktail Reception, Host Bar, 3 Courses Sit-down Dinner, Red and White Wine with Dinner, Gift Bag, Free Parking, Entertainment and much more...



Contact Us

Whether you would like to join our committee, support us through sponsorship, a gift in kind, or tickets please let contact Alicia Vianga at T: 647-342-9217 or email